Friday, November 23, 2007
Empty Driving Licence
Many residents of large cities are subjugated by the stress and traffic (both, without doubt, they feed on). In this brief review, Griselda Rodriguez shows the case of Maria Fernanda Pelaez, who frightens drivers who dare to cross into your lane, as a safety valve.
A María Fernanda
not seem so terrible to be on the brink of insanity because he does not realize. He said "though I hate the cars, my anger has no explanation, as I know it's temporary," and went on to detail the persecutions starred this week with his new car. "I do not know if that is new, represented by the stupidity or simply because I had a week of hell, took the mobility and diseased nerves to get even with others, "he explains and sentence," there is nothing more annoying than a bad driver. "
The first persecution occurred at Orizaba. Maria Fernanda was late in search of her boyfriend ("Jalapa and do not know why, I never got to the house"). It was dark, the sky tight, dense, infernal slumber of the storm which threatens to total valemadrismo days ("never condescends to a drop before May, but still the expectation that there fuck you"). His neck was a monolith, erratic breathing, pulse insane. I had not had a good day. "Then from nowhere appeared a narcissus Lotus spend trying to hit my left mirror," says excessive. Honked and burned to death with your high beams. When high turned green (because it had fallen behind the car, the dent mm) chased him into a corner facing the square Rio de Janeiro, to leave after the attack. "The Lotus ran down the left and I had no time to lose, I had to go to the right," he explains simply. Maria Fernanda recalls that for some glimmer of lucidity poked his madness, he realized that he was acting like a criminal, so I stopped a block from the house of her boyfriend. "I was terror that my state of tension to realize who I am."
Who is Maria Fernanda? Only reaches five feet in height and has a candid look, it seems so light and innocent all his goodness for granted. She sees it differently, is retaliating with the same pride to the city that devours.
cars are alive, full of character, he explains. "When you assume manage nature. Some will want to fall sympathetic but are hypocrites, like the Mini Cooper, "he says, as if it were reasonable," others, like the Beetle, they are like cockroaches for their erratic movements. " Yours, a Peugeot 306, is unpleasant. It has slanted eyes, dilated pupils and expression of anger. So handle it so well.
Another afternoon, in the same week, Maria Fernanda left work in a terrible mood. He went to the circuit and a van pedantic, a Honda, tried crush. "I could not help it, went into my lane" is justified before relating his new hunt. He made light and accordingly, you lied to the mother, but he or they could not hear. In that chest feels ultra shielded either a god. So he proposed to go behind him in what remains of the road, drive them crazy with lights, corner them until they regret. Followed by the circuit and turned on the side to enter Reforma, Lomas address. The high in the Reform and Mahatma Gandhi was right behind his goal. Her purse was open in the passenger seat. He took some pills and ate them with the cold and brutal expression of a psychopath. "I do not know if my mechanical motion or simple paranoia of my persecuted at one point responded," continues. They were two men. He saw a movement, a silhouette in the darkness, the copilot, who rose from his seat at the rear. He thought that the fifth would destroy his car door again. Instead he saw lying in the back seat and the driver off the bag. So let's see. Just saw the hand of driver when covered with the bag, without looking back, which was hidden and sudden starts the truck to U-turns for Reform and retrace his steps. Maria Fernanda says
practicing yoga twice a week and attend sessions promptly at Buddhist Meditation Center City, activities that have failed to take his next goal of the head: "This week I have not pursued anyone, the peripheral me flame. "
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Antonia de Padua (Tlaxcala, 1968) is a columnist for the magazine Felines and author of the book early trials on the pursuit of unhappiness and the human condition (Editorial Zarathustra, 1987). In this installment, Antonia shares her personal view on the injustice of the optimism of the care cars and bitterness it impossible to aspire to the same as the tormented intellectual.
is inevitable meeting with Luis, a car care Roma. Lanza effusive greetings, raises his eyebrows and smiles with enthusiasm and grace, as if to show not only that its size may hostile sympathy, but there are cultivated in the most ethereal and delicate.
"Do not confuse optimism with joy. Optimism does not always lead to a joy expressed but provides peace of mind to the person, and that peace provides serene beauty that illuminates the personality, "says, and despite the complacent tone, I begin to believe: Luis is anything but beautiful, but will hopefully smile" illuminates the personality, "even if they have been shaped by a relentless series of misfortunes. Living on the streets, has children scattered throughout the City, some of which do not cover even the category of unknown. Its origin is uncertain and is likely to even know the year of birth. Because of the zeal with which it could be considered a drinker intoxicated by genetic inheritance.
"How are you, you say, I have here a young, sandwiched excited when I bend down the alley Guaymas, and even though I always reply "No thanks, I'll pass", I loose a smile, now more optimistic than happy, which seems to represent from the mouth, eyes and lack of teeth, a hymn to life, a celebration of the existence entirely unreasonable.
"The rich, beautiful, nice, with good training and good work can live in a state of false optimism," says the site above. Now I understand. And I'm glad because it means that there is still hope for many of us.
days later I go to the psychologist. Silvio gets me, the car looks. It is even more optimistic and seemingly more fortunate than Luis: fifties, plump, thin mustache, full dentures and eyeglasses simile Roy Orbison, hello, I opened the car door and said in all innocence that at this time the birds are happy because they can bathe in the fountain in the garden of the office and every day appears a hummingbird that instead of trying to sink into the water to cool, it stops in the air looking obsessively Hills Medical Group words printed on a lapidary steel rectangle.
"appears at about 12," says Silvio complicity with a child, "he stares at the poster, then walking from corner to corner and back again to stop in front of the sign." The look Silvio in his absurd dream begins to worry. "Hummingbirds are rather worried about animals," he explains, and then throws its argument mortal: "I think he wants to learn to read." I guess the comment is not meant to start any friendship, but seeks to fill the gap of my hopes to make it less uncomfortable that coexistence shortly. I smile and say, "Maybe I can read and therefore stops here." Silvio turns his head, seriously. I feel bad person. Entered the office, when I leave, do not see it.
do not know the personal circumstances of Silvio, but let me be guided by its peaceful and sustained ingenuity, almost could ensure that lives happily in an enchanted forest. "Optimistic people go beyond the actual data to focus first on the positive circumstances" exclaimed the ladies page. Reconsidered. Not only have I seen off the odious cynicism credulous fantasy of this good man, but I find I had no chance of contaminating Louis. Then I go to my car. Back to Chapultepec, took the streets of Guaymas.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Ge Toaster Ovens 169127 Wal Mart

Recently, the historian Martin Tanaka has become the preferred source of advice opinionated disoriented. Something like what happened to Pablo Macera in the 80s and to a lesser extent, Julio Cotler in the 90s.
Martin aclárame: Alan is populist or liberal?
Tell me, what happened is that racism?
Explain why no one believes in the report of the commission of Lerner and his friends?
So come for visits to Mount Virtú and fortune, from the top of the historian Tanaka priest absolves voice the concerns of their wards caviar: "Look, grasshopper ..."
Oracle's role, however starts to embarrass the young historian, he does not want to answer but rather ask. A few days ago caused a stir among the caviar because, so provocative, questioned the work of the so-called truth commission.
His criticism, far from calming the doubts, questions further increased because the caviar always need an oracle to give them an academic air to their delusions. Now, Tanaka certainly do not know what to do to throw off the mantle of "authority" who want to foist the disoriented.
best thing you can do to Tanaka, a council of a rabbit is what I did at the time Daniel F., when the poser barranquino Leusemia wanted to turn in "their" cult group. "Fuck the rest" was the band's latest album. Thus, "killed" the myth.
As an academic, Tanaka knows he can not become the historian of a political tendency. Although caviar left considers "his" historian.
His background questions to the commission of Lerner and his friends must then be understood as an attempt to make away with the political sector that uses the human rights agenda to develop an area of \u200b\u200bmilitancy - and propaganda - political.
If this attitude continues, Tanaka will surely be the favorite reference source of caviar, since they are not looking for academic rigor but someone who justifies "academically" his continuing nonsense. Keep it up Martin
and see how you all cry falls on caviar. Then tell your questions to the commission must lerner your Japanese. So they are.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Menbeanie Hat Patterns

Testimonies collected by the BBC are really fantastic:
"As a friend who was in Pisco, says that the fishermen were told that the sea floor were opened as a pit and left rays from the bottom, I guess that's what we all saw it. "
"The flashes of light started because of electrical protection systems were fired in the middle peak consumption."
"We expected (the earthquake) happened, but still. When traveling see flashes of colors, like fireworks, in a southerly direction during the earthquake. "
Apparently this light phenomenon is not new. According to a website about ufology, "earthquake lights have been reported so often that Dr. John S. Derr, the Geological Survey of the United States (U.S. Geological Survey), has said that his existence can not longer be ignored. "
Italian physicist Ignacio Galli said that a simple explanation based on water vapor can give the explanation these phenomena: "This steam, emerging with enough pressure for a crack can lead to an electrical manifestation similar to that obtained in the laboratory with the Armstrong machine." Abundant casuistry
compiled by the Japanese Terada Musy and led them to conclude that the physical process involved, was the mechanoluminescence. They explained:
"Ground movements stresses occur in crystalline rocks on which the piezoelectric effect generates electric fields of several thousand volts per meter. These electromagnetic fields are concentrated in areas most susceptible, as are the fault lines. Theoretically, these fields can create a low level ionization of air molecules adjacent to the electrical column is projected through the field. "
anyone have another explanation?
The truth is that at this hour (12:00 m) the continued unrest in the country.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Reliability And Lcd Tv
Forthcoming publications:
Studies * Depressive Northwestern Happy About Animals , advance the book that compiles the most comprehensive psicosociogeodemopolítico study recently conducted by the noted scholar Dr. Ralph Silver Mind PHD (UNNE, 2007).
* Reflections on current economic and foreign policy.
* Anthology of the best unknown poets.
* Poetry levitating , rhymes and thoughts of Joseph Conrad Ramirez.
* Andiamo, Giacomo, Io non Mangio piano piano, compositional analysis of the famous medieval Italian popular song, by Renzo Pierino Turturro, linguist and musicologist at the University of Turin.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Phenomenon Denise Milani

In this installment of the compilation "Writers of the Past", Carlos Trujillo del Campo, writer and ruler of Valencia Rosamonte cafe, tells us about the person who has exercised the strongest influence on his literary career, it ended by annihilating his desire to write.
All my life I tried to participate, and I tried it with total debauchery "in every class action that I submitted, from collective Alujarra, the group of Tenerife, the group of Quintanilla de the Vines and that of Fuerteventura. None accepted me, claiming them I was too temperamental. At one point, the pressure of belonging gave way to a deep hatred for any group, and no matter if his knees begging me to come to the La Coruña Colective Group, or pseudo revolutionaries Ojén Collective.
I decided to start to try their luck on my side, but fortune had never sought to ingratiate me. I wrote a long letter, and perhaps a little pretentious I admit, the Vicomte de Alvarado asking you to give away some of their assets to finance a project with me that I found very challenging. The idea was to produce a tautology with certain syllogisms, which can lead to a fatal accident in the exact sciences (for causing irreparable failed), but in literary terms emulate the graceful art of confusing Lewis Carroll.
El vizconde, ni tonto ni perezoso, aceptó el proyecto con una sola condición (que me pesaría hasta el alma): todo el poema (no sé si llamarlo poema, originalmente quería imitar la estructura narrativa del Quijote , de Cervantes), debería estar consagrado a su madre, que en paz descanse, doña Ernesta Hermelinda Ostiones de Alvarado, baronesa de Trujillo. Lo comencé con mucho esfuerzo, lo acepto, pero luego empezó a fluir la inspiración:
Siendo que A + B es igual a C, entonces todas las A de Ernesta son necesariamente una porción de las C, un sumario que se sume por sí mismo en los ends of the strict line. Z + X equals C squared, what a beautiful gesture, Mrs. Ernesta, because being that C squared is twice the result of A + B, then Z + X each represent the square of A + B, in a world in which there are only four even numbers and one unparalleled beauty, that of Your Highness.
The Vicomte de Alvarado was satisfied with the rhyme and the syllogism (that were not exactly such), but not the tautology it to my surprise he discovered that there were none. I called then rewrite the poem, which I did with much effort, because this time the muse refused to come:
Being A + B equals C, then A Ernesta all are necessary and necessarily a portion of the C, a sink that adds itself to sink into the extremes of right straight. Z + X equals C squared, what a beautiful gesture, Mrs. Ernesta, because being that C squared is twice the result of A + B, then Z + X each represent the square of A + B, in a world in which there are only four pairs and single numbers unparalleled beauty, that of Your Highness.
Anyway, Viscount was dissatisfied and decided to seek the help of his head master carpenter, a young man not very good with arithmetic and geometry, but presumably known to possess an exquisite literary talent, which offended me in the depths of my being, why lie. Erasmus came on stage and Roland. Erasmus had written in his laborious days hundreds of elegies, of which highlighted The apathy eulogy, which follows the famous quote " All I give a damn" . Erasmo
decided to make a tautology with syllogisms Artistóteles style, availing ourselves of logical and linguistic constructions not mathematical formulas. The thing is reduced to the following:
If all Hermelinda are a nice beauty, and Baroness it is called, then expresses a wonderful beauty baroness, both called Hermelinda, as sublime nature.
flatly turned down the poem by Erasmus, hated it immediately by its simplicity and low risk. I then proposed a series of changes that brought the poem to another level, avoiding any resemblance to the three previous versions:
Anchorites and bicycles are not directly related, but the goal has always been Mrs. Hermelinda be in the desert desert biking. If some riders are hermits, and some Hermelinda love cycling, then some Hermelinda are cyclists and hermits. Ergo, Mrs. Alvarado Hermelinda Oysters are forced to be one of the two groups.
Viscount was not satisfied with the poem (it only contained a tautology) and lost the patience to learn that Erasmus was not involved in literary production. Threatening to take away all subsidies, I drove him to work collectively with the carpenter, which censured in myself but I ended up accepting, plunged into the deepest of depressions.
work for months, day and night, in the humble neighborhood workshop Tordecillas, smelling of wood, dyes and other aromas detached from the sacrificial work of a carpenter. Erasmo hatred began to yield transformed into genuine admiration. Erasmus, a young chubby, very good appetite and little money to keep them sharp, sublime dishes prepared potato, rice and lentils. Together we ate while imagining a better world in which art was more appreciated and pleonasms were not accidental. Finally towards the coming of spring solstice, as if the gods had conspired to give us the best weather at the time of birth our work, we present the final version of the poem, uniting certain phrases that we achieved in the earlier poems with new interventions made group:
Hermelinda cute hermit, and cyclist beauty rises above the rooftops and sing.
All the birds sing on the tiles. Some birds are beautiful and other beautiful bluish-greenish. Hermelinda is beautiful and sings on the roof, undoubtedly is the most verdant green bird with greenish on the planet.
Viscount heard every word with respect and in strict silence. After the reading, decided to call us idiots and proceeded to say goodbye to his house, which had sheltered us only rarely. Erasmus was dazed, had achieved its first failure literary, just as his name had reached the pinnacle of recognition among neighbors and Torremayor Tordecillas, Vicomte de Alvarado district.
distressed, upset and resentful, Erasmus felt over the weight of failure and decided to poison her rosy little body of boy carpentry, forever sullying the good name of his family.
The loss affected me deeply, had died the only man with whom he worked like a collective, had killed the brother of wood and hard work, a brother who was just getting to know, my good friend had died, Erasmus. It was then I realized to be channeling my talents, which should honor him by means of a simple poem, traditional rhyme. It was there when I wrote:
The precept of the Lord is the finiteness of time,
Mr. advocate for slaughter the innocent and the wrongs
But what Mr.'re talking about?
In this prison of my mind
Today I ask you to take me beyond
Beyond where one who stole my joys and tears One young
Erasmo Roldán Algeciras.
never more abuse of the pen, gave up any speculation logic and I started running a little cafe across the street from Rosamonte that I inherited my late mother when I still insisted on perpetuating my lyrical talents. My existence has only been validated by the presence of a man and his absence has been deleted forever.
Carlos Trujillo (pictured), Valladolid, 1939, is author of the unpublished poems The other face Saturnino Rojas (Madrid, 1955), Satan Stake (Sevilla, 1956) and the unfinished pleonasms syllogistic Oysters on the Baroness de Alvarado Ernesta.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Jac Vanek Personalized Bracelets

Merde, shit, shit, Does life have meaning? , shamelessly asks us and lividity Patricio Bustamante, founder and most representative of Paleolithic exponent Contemporary artistic movement that, while no longer struggle to achieve recognition among the masses and other starchy ornamental, not yet achieved full recognition in the circles most conservative of curators and art galleries in the country.
It came to me as an accident. I Was Attempting to make a bird alighting on a field. And It May Have Been In Some way bound up with the three forms That Had Gone Before, But Suddenly the line drawn Suggested That I Had Something Totally Different and this suggestion Arose out of this picture. I Had no intention to do this picture, I Never Thought of it in that way. It Was like one continuous accident Mounting on top of Another.
Bustamante Everything is accidental since, as Bacon, can not hit the target with the idea that you represent, but because of his spirit of rebellion able to overcome this lack of expertise and become the founder of a art school avant-garde of the moment.
Patricio Bustamante (Chile, 1958). Exhibition "Batcave memory" from June 27 to July 15, 2007 in Gallery Alfonso Prado, Oaxaca (MX).
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Cell Bright Ume-36 Pro Upgrade

Saturday, February 24, 2007
What's A Dummy Phone?

Some of this we see the anger that has raged within the caviar left between the Instituto de Defensa Legal, IDL and Rear Window. Rather, from Cecilia Valenzuela Gustavo Gorriti and Hume.
What has caused this conflict? Why do these journalists "defenders of democracy" is put on the air the dirty laundry? Ideological Differences? Differences policies? "Different approaches to press freedom?
Not so. What this pair faces are intriguing and lucrative business contracts. Not exactly theirs, but those of their employers.
As is known, Cecilia Valenzuela went for two weeks, the demolition campaign against the minister Pilar Mazzetti and in that time, she "ran" alone, without anyone to question or challenge their unveiling. (Something that is fascinating to the little dictators.)
But this week, Gustavo Gorriti's campaign revealed that Valenzuela was related to a tender millions of mattresses in the Ministry of Interior and the alleged "moralistic crusade" in Frecuencia Latina was nothing more than revenge Paradise Mattress owner.
Actually, vendetta journalism "practiced by Cecilia Valenzuela is not news. Since it did against the Sunat when this entity attempted to collect the tax law to Channel 2 and against the National Bank to release without delay the famous check of "compensation" Baruch Ivcher.
The question that remained in the atmosphere, however, was why Gorriti intervened in a conflict that apparently had no concern. Why pull the IDL again assumed the defense of Pilar Mazzetti? Was it dropped or solidarity with the simple desire to annoy his former employer?
The answer came the next day Cecilia Valenzuela Gustavo Gorriti and Ideele were angry that they were negotiating a billion dollar public safety consulting with the Ministry of Interior. And the business could fall along with the minister. That is, it was not love the pig but the greaves (the Mazzetti).
Well, this was not a secret, we all know that the IDL, like other NGOs such as Human Rights Coordinator, are entities that have long abandoned the "social work" and now lobbies dedicated to making for the highest bidder.
hueleguisos that are in misery sniff to see what "Social problem" will bring greater foreign donations. Just look at the lifestyle of its leaders and leading their middle to realize that the resources that capture not just end up in the hands of the poor. One
planned to attend a debate of ideas or proposals between "liberals" local (the Peruvian intelligentsia , according to them) but we see that their confrontation is reduced to a single question: "Ballot or Bill?