Recently, the historian Martin Tanaka has become the preferred source of advice opinionated disoriented. Something like what happened to Pablo Macera in the 80s and to a lesser extent, Julio Cotler in the 90s.
Martin aclárame: Alan is populist or liberal?
Tell me, what happened is that racism?
Explain why no one believes in the report of the commission of Lerner and his friends?
So come for visits to Mount Virtú and fortune, from the top of the historian Tanaka priest absolves voice the concerns of their wards caviar: "Look, grasshopper ..."
Oracle's role, however starts to embarrass the young historian, he does not want to answer but rather ask. A few days ago caused a stir among the caviar because, so provocative, questioned the work of the so-called truth commission.
His criticism, far from calming the doubts, questions further increased because the caviar always need an oracle to give them an academic air to their delusions. Now, Tanaka certainly do not know what to do to throw off the mantle of "authority" who want to foist the disoriented.
best thing you can do to Tanaka, a council of a rabbit is what I did at the time Daniel F., when the poser barranquino Leusemia wanted to turn in "their" cult group. "Fuck the rest" was the band's latest album. Thus, "killed" the myth.
As an academic, Tanaka knows he can not become the historian of a political tendency. Although caviar left considers "his" historian.
His background questions to the commission of Lerner and his friends must then be understood as an attempt to make away with the political sector that uses the human rights agenda to develop an area of \u200b\u200bmilitancy - and propaganda - political.
If this attitude continues, Tanaka will surely be the favorite reference source of caviar, since they are not looking for academic rigor but someone who justifies "academically" his continuing nonsense. Keep it up Martin
and see how you all cry falls on caviar. Then tell your questions to the commission must lerner your Japanese. So they are.
Photo: Cover of book by M. Tanaka. It says: "There has been much debate the validity of these figures (the elections of 2000 that Fujimori won) and has spoken persistent and widespread fraud. My opinion is that it is simply wrong." p. 95