Sunday, March 21, 2010
High Frequency Facials
Being well is a personal decision. No external factor in the entire Universe that can distort the decision. The only one who can decide not to be well You. With this as a creative principle (or destructor) of welfare, we can see a bit more about the different exercises that can help us decide to be good in the third dimension.
Let's talk about the Clarity. When we see everything with clarity, beauty begins to sprout from every corner, love is a truism and an endless list of things that seemed important become extremely stupid. Find Clarity is the first step toward wellness.
Try to understand why it is so difficult to see, understand and felt clearly.
If we are human, if we believe that everything we do has a meaning, then we tend to think that the more information we handle, the greater our understanding and clarity we have to act, feel and reason.
is true that everything we do has a meaning, even if it is a completely unexpected end. But it is impossible to cover ALL the truth from the 5 senses of the third dimension. We can not have ALL the information. At best, we shall have a tiny part of it. That's why, we know when we know the external reality, will never bring clarity to our lives.
Clarity is watching inside. All the necessary knowledge to see clearly are in us forever. Although during our time on earth can not remember everything, we do have access to the 4 principles that will bring clarity.
Principle No. 1: Love . We know it's the beginning and end of all things. Always manage that information and we know that power is more noble and beautiful than love.
Principle No. 2: Escape fear. Our entire body is ready to get away from things that scare us. Lower energy is there and just not want it. We are prepared to know that if we move away from that that we fear, the fear will disappear. Why then we stick to things that put us in a state of fear?
Principle No. 3: The Abundance . At birth, the Universe prepares everything for us to enjoy the abundance. No mother should be without food, you should not miss the love. That's all we need. However, this notion began to forget when we started to believe that every time we need more. That's when the shortage begins.
Principle No. 4: The Happiness . So clear is this knowledge that all the time we are trying to take aim at happiness. Everything we choose is to attain happiness. It's in our minds almost as high as love. But when we do not know what happiness is, we can hardly achieve.
This is how naturally within us is the path to wellness. But it all takes away clarity and the way we started looking abroad. Then it becomes even more confusing. And it creates a vicious circle that keeps us consistently perfect state of evolution.
Here are some mechanisms that take away our clarity in the third dimension.
feeding. Take, for power to all that enter our body. Is what we eat, food, drinks, medicines, drogas. Es lo que respiramos, sea aire, contaminación, humo, etc. Es todo lo que nos es irradiado, sea amor, energía solar (o de otros astros), miedo, ira, vitalidad, etc.
Lo que suele ocurrir es que una alimentación mala nos quita claridad. Algunas culturas han llegado a la convención de llamar TOXINAS a los elementos contaminantes que nuestro cuerpo rechaza. Lo rechaza en forma natural, pero la sociedad, según sus usos y modas, fomenta la ingestión de toxinas. A los niños no les gusta el vodka, nadie ama el cigarrillo cuando le da la primera pitada, los bebés escupen al carne (no la fruta, aunque tenga la misma textura). Así hay cientos de ejemplos.
Las toxinas hacen que the brain increase their activity. Depending on the type of toxin will vary the area to increase its activity. There is a first indication of lack of clarity. The brain begins to ignore sensations, feelings, knowledge and information, because it focuses on particular activities and does not work in its entirety. Many times, he even perceive this abnormal activity as a pleasant state, as is the case of some drugs and certain food or drink. In all cases the body gets used and there comes a time when malnutrition becomes normal. If we can REDUCING
consumption of toxins, brain activity will have a more relaxed and evenly, leaving a lot more sense. The body constantly tells us what we need and what not. But if we are full of toxins, they never listen. The body will be confused and send the wrong messages.
Moreover, low levels of toxins enhances the connection with the Higher Self and other creatures, allowing a clear interpretation of the message pipeline.
Avoid smoke and pollution, drugs, alcohol, meat (especially red), meals cooked too long, everything that gives us a sense that we are sleeping lips will be the most toxic. If we can avoid it, we on the right track.
What brings everything the body needs to a very low level of toxins are the fruits, then raw vegetables, cereals, flour and maybe some eggs and milk in a while. The salt and sugar have a lot of toxins. If you follow a diet rich in fruits, we will gradually leaving the salt and sugar. Coffee is
pump toxins. You have to drink lots of water. Fruit juice or, especially, the water stored inside some of them, like coconuts.
A diet low in toxins is the first step toward clarity. As we see clearly, the comfort level begins to be widening.
So we started. Change your habits right now, if you can. Continue to see and learn Welfare over the next text. And remember that if you bring a crystal clear vision in your soul, your whole soul be clear.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Garrison Smoke Alarm Beeping

When a woman has menstrual few days late, believed to be pregnant, when then, many questions arise with the changes that will result in your body, and as symptoms will developed every day that pregnancy.
see what happens starting in week one of pregnancy , because begin to experience changes, and that menstruation has not occurred, ie a week ago then started to WUF (this is the first day, in your last menstruation).
This lack is due the appearance of certain hormones known as estrogen and progesterone, that's when the lining of the uterus (endometrium) begins to prepare to receive a fertilized egg, that will just about a week. If fertilization not produce within a week, usually in three weeks and will be menstruating again, but was otherwise assured that your pregnancy test will give you positive.
So what happens in week one of pregnancy , is to prepare the appropriate place to receive and accommodate a fertilized egg.