Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bumble Numbers 2 Funbrain

Feel like in Java? Andrea and My cell

A stuffed simle, simple, with a big red nose. What does it mean?

This "stuffed" little known in the everyday world but of great reputation in the computer world is Duke. The official mascot of Java. What is Java?, Java one of the best (for me the best) Development Platform from which to develop games for your mobile, to large enterprise applications.

The world's largest companies are betting on Java Computing: Google, Oracle, IBM, SAP, etc.

And what is the coolest thing this platform?. That is highly involved with the World of Open Source.

So if you have all the power in the world in a tool that is free. What more do you need?, With Java you have to choose many products and standards implementations. Hundreds of application servers for free, opensource and paid.

With Java you have to choose what you want !!!... and ". Net?. The only thing I can choose there is a good financial partner to support you to buy everything you need, and everything in Windows. (Of course there is Mono, but in Peru desconosco some company's are applying.)

So, you cheer for Java? ...

Returning to bear, it is worth noting that "Duke" is also OpenSource . Then, with the help of someone special, now I have mine.


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