Friday, November 12, 2010

Monclerwoodbury Outlet

santiago cold when micro strip you toxic gas, the car horns, shoes outgrown me, people when they look ugly when you put the last of the subway entrance, people who ask permission, platforms do not go alone after more trains, people who say what you have to do, the face of the soup giving birth, the vai crying, my batting, my hair, the sound of flies at night near the ear, the mites, if the mites, the starfish, sea when this coffee, seafood, bananas, crying, the flesh, my guitar out of tune oh yeah, my guitar out of tune, at night, the spider Potona, invisible window of my feet, my shirt Christmas, the book that I read, the study custiones not, your imaginary beard, early , Friday 12 November, the nightmares, the sock broke, cold, alarm, tea, bread, labarme teeth, I say goodbye, I'm out. today


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