3 - La Fiesta
When we choose to come to this life, we do believe that going to a party. This life is a paradise where everything is plentiful and nothing is small. This life is the experience of being god on a small scale. Is a party.
And suddenly, at any time for any reason, we fear wins. And from there we began to forget that we came to a party.
Why the Universe, being so perfect allows the existence of fear? I remember when I asked a priest why God, being that is omnipotent, it provided a means evil. The Catholic classic response is: free will. We all have the freedom to choose if we do good or evil. Re-question: an earthquake that kills thousands of people have free will? Perhaps the sight of God is not doing anything wrong. Who knows ...
I think it is wiser to ask why there is fear. Fear exists as parameter learning. If there would not know what love is. If you do not go through this, maybe not really appreciate living in other places where there is only love unconditional. Maybe not appreciate it at its best when we evolve and go to other spaces, even more incredible.
is like saying that just one day in hell to enjoy an eternity in paradise. But let's say then that as we learn about fear here on earth, we become more adept at remembering the love. We're getting closer to these bits of God we are. When we live the party as such details without losing the beauty of the universe in the third dimension, then we have evolved. Then we are ready to move up to other worlds spiral higher. A major holidays.
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