moments of life
First we have to conclude that life is, then the rest will follow.
If you think about the life of a being is like an arc that has a beginning and end, starting low, rising to the top and back down towards the end, we are totally wrong. It is interesting to start with what NOT to see life why tarnish both the understanding when we see it this way.
Life is finite. Life is not a bow. Neither begins nor ends.
is, in any case, a constant cycle of ebb and flow, an upward spiral, a moving boat. Life is anything but a sequence that begins and ends. Life is part of a movement is part of a promotion.
Being itself is the sum of many aspects. One such is life. Another aspect is the permanence of Being, another duality, another divinity, etc. Let's focus on being's life.
When a kernel is clear and goes on a path of evolution is wrong to say that there begins its life, because that Being already existed and had her own life as part of a whole pre-existing. That
be embarking on a road and that's why we call this a "moment of life" and not "start." Thus, whenever the rise and fall be, born, die, reincarnate, learn, think, be tempted or enhances the love. All are moments in the life of Being
However, the most important moments are marked by love and fear. Learning to determine the evolution of Being (the end in itself of all existence) will be the moments of life on which might have to save memory. They are treasures. Just
to recall a moment of pure love for our energy in a complete reversal. A first kiss, for example, it is good for memory. That kiss the infant, without ulterior motives, without lies, without any conditions, is perfect. It is pure and unconditional love. Bring to mind transforms us. Why? Because
again bring the baggage of knowledge of love. Knowledge that is in us a long time. Is at rest. But once we bring it to consciousness again is converted into energy, and transforms us again. We are happy for a few seconds, brings a glimmer of peace.
Therefore, we can say that this "moment" will last as long as we please. Again over and over again, while we have the ability to recover. The moment is eternal.
From the opposite angle, the time marked by fear, attachment, disappointment and sadness will be moments of negative charge. It is in every being to make them last forever or not. One thing is clear, we can not be forgotten. Be there, too, at rest. Until one day decide to bring them to consciousness.
These moments polarity change in seconds. Consider, for example, in the death of a beloved. Indeed, remember the first cry at the news of his death. Desolation. Sadness that we felt infinite. Other forms of fear. Many
given polarity, now continually bring awareness, increasing negativity in your energy field and the sense of fear. However, there is a major evolutionary shift in this.
far fully understand the good and positive purpose of the perpetuity of the moments marked by love. But why would keep likewise be marked by moments of fear? Since nature knows best and nothing in it is bad, this should have a practical sense, well, logical. To him we are going to Avoca.
From these moments of fear, each being can rebuild the damage in your energy field. Similarly, rebuilding a sense of fear and brings to the present. And the more repair it, the more it will sink in sorrow and negativity. It's like when a child sees a horror movie and relives the night before bed or even in their nightmares.
Why would keep the memory of Being something so harmful? It is very simple and useful. On the principle of polarity. Think back on the death of a loved one. In that first cry is implied antithesis of fear. It's all the love we feel for that person. A single factor acts as a switch of polarity love / fear of the time. ATTACHMENT.
If we continue to cling to the loved, the time will inevitably be negative. Because when we leave go to that being, when we consciously make the idea has evolved and is better where the mourning for his death takes on new meaning. Will be the condensation of all the love we feel for the Ser and hence the effect on our energy field is like a moment of Love
The secret of polarity is to find the "switch". Basically the feelings that act this way are the ramifications of fear. Let's see: ATTACHMENT, SADNESS, LIE, ENVY, DECEPTION, HATE, impotence.
In conclusion, exercise is simple. Every time we bring a moment of fear to the conscience, look for the switch. Thus, we are apt to change polarity of memory.
The same can be applied to people who are depressed, ill, moody, nervous, etc. Whether consciously help you find the switch, automatically change polarity.
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