The ancient stories is recounted in the Black Book about the pictures and symbols that seemed so closely related to the cylinder and roll, were such that he kept a subdued and overwhelmed. Saving an incalculable gulf of time-long before the appearance of all civilizations, races and continents known by us- the stories revolved around a nation and a continent was lost in the primordial nebula. That country was known in legend by the name of Mu, and according to some tablets in the primeval language Naacal flourished to 200,000 years, when the former yielded a cult Hyperborea nameless god Tsathoggua amorphous.
It referred to a kingdom or province, called K'naan, located in a very ancient land, whose first human settlers found monstrous ruins, abandoned by its ancient inhabitants: strange creatures came from the stars in dark waves, which lived for thousands of centuries in an unknown world and rising. K'naa era un lugar sagrado, puesto que en su centro de frío basalto se elevaba orgulloso el Monte de Yaddith-Gho coronado por una fortaleza gigantesca de piedras enormes, infinitamente más vieja que el género humano, y edificada por razas de Yuggoth que habían venido a colonizar nuestro planeta antes del primer brote de vida terrestre.
La raza de Yuggoth se había extinguido varias evos antes, pero había dejado tras ella algo monstruoso y terrible que no desaparecería jamás: su dios infernal o demonio protector, Ghatanothoa, que había descendido a las criptas subterráneas del Yaddith-Gho para iniciar allí una vida latente y eterna. Ningún ser humano había subido jamás por las laderas del Yaddith-Gho, ni había visto aquella fortaleza infame sino como una silueta lejana y exótica que se recortaba contra el cielo. Sin embargo, muchos autores estaban de acuerdo en afirmar que Ghatanothoa estaba allí todavía, oculto, enclaustrado en los insospechados abismos que se hundían bajo los muros megalíticos. En todo tiempo, hubo siempre partidarios de hacer sacrificios a Ghatanothoa, a fin de que no abandonase sus tenebrosas moradas y emergiera en el mundo de los hombres, como había sucedido en los remotísimos tiempos de la raza Yuggoth.
Se decía que si no se le ofrecía ninguna víctima, Ghatanothoa se arrastraría to light as an exudation of darkness, and pour down the slopes of basalt Yaddith-Gho, razing and destroying everything in its path. No living being could contemplate Ghatanothoa, not even a picture of him however small, without suffering anything worse than death. God's vision or his image, as claimed Yuggoth legends meant paralysis and petrification of the most surprising and strange: the victim is turned into stone and leather on the outside, while, inside, the brain remained Live forever ... fixed inmate through the centuries, maddeningly aware of the passage of the years ending in a hopeless passivity, until the chance or time consuming the destruction of the stone that imprisoned bark, exposing themselves to death. Most of these brains, of course, went crazy long before they reach their final resting place, so many eons later deferred. No human eye, was said Ghatanothoa ever seen, but the danger now was as big as it had once been Yuggoth breed.
And so, K'naan was a cult which worshiped Ghatanothoa, and every year twelve warriors were sacrificed and twelve girls. These victims were offered on the altars of the Temple marble at the foot of the mountain, as nobody dared to climb the slope of basalt Yaddith-Gho and approaching the peak of his Herculean strength. Was immense power of the priests of Ghatanothoa, because they depended on the protection of K'naan and all the land of Mu, petrifying appearance against the terrible divinity.
was in the territory a hundred priests of the Dark God, who were under orders Imash-Mo, the High Priest, even before King walked into the holiday Thabou Nath, and stood proudly standing as the king knelt before the shrine. Each priest had a marble house, a chest of gold, two hundred slaves and a hundred concubines, to which was added a complete immunity from civil law and absolute power over life and death of all residents of K'naan, except the priests of the king. However, despite such protection existed in this land Ghatanothoa concerns that arise from the depths and descend the mountain to bring the horror and the petrification of mankind. In recent years, the priests forbade men even think or imagine the frightening aspect that God might have.
was the Year of the Red Moon (von Junzt it estimated between 173 and 148 century BC J), where a human being first dared to challenge Ghatanothoa and the tremendous threat posed. This bold heretic was T'yog, High Priest of Shub-Niggurath and guardian of the temple of copper Goat of a Thousand Sons. T'yog had thought a lot about the powers of different gods, and had strange dreams and revelations about the life of this world and the worlds above. In the end, convinced that the gods friendly to man could be called to work together against the hostile gods, believed that Shub-Niggurath, Nug and Yeb, as well as Yig, the Serpent God, would be willing to form a coalition with the man and fight against the tyranny of Ghatanothoa.
Inspired by the Mother Goddess, T'yog wrote a strange formula in the hieratic character of the language Naacal, with whom he believed possessed immunize against the petrifying power of the Dark God. With this protection, he thought it would be a bold man to undertake the ascent of the fearsome slope of basalt and enter for the first time in recorded history in the cyclopean fortress under which Ghatanothoa lived in death. Dealing with God, and under the protection of Shub-Niggurath and her children, T'yog believed he could beat him, thus saving mankind from its latent threat. Once liberated mankind through him could require unlimited honors. All the privileges of the priests of Ghatanothoa will be forcibly transferred him, and even the dignity of a king or god would be at your fingertips.
T'yog wrote his formula on a strip of protective membrane pthagon (as von Junzt, inner lining of extinct saurian Yakith), and put it in a hollow metal cylinder lagh, known today throughout the land, which had brought the Elder Gods from Yuggoth. This talisman hidden in his clothes, it would be a guarantee against Ghatanothoa. But would also have the power to give life to victims petrificadas del Dios Oscuro, caso de que ese ser monstruoso surgiese y comenzase su obra devastadora. De este modo, se propuso subir a la montaña, irrumpir en la ciudadela y desafiarle en su propia madriguera. Era imposible saber lo que pasaría después, pero la esperanza de ser el salvador de la humanidad daba una fuerza irrefrenable a su voluntad. Pero T'yog no había contado con la envidia y el interés de los sacerdotes de Ghatanothoa. No bien acabaron de oír el plan que se proponía, y viendo amenazados el prestigio y los privilegios de que gozaban si era destronado el Dios-Demonio, elevaron clamorosas protestas contra lo que calificaron de sacrilegio, y gritaron que ningún hombre podía vencer a Ghatanothoa, y que cualquier intento to go in search of him would only arouse their anger against all humanity, which no formula can prevent or rite. Expected to predispose those voices against T'yog mobs. However, such was the desire of the people to liberate themselves from Ghatanothoa, and such confidence in the ability and zeal of T'yog, all protests were futile. Even King, who usually was a puppet of the priests, refused to prohibit the daring adventure.
was when the priests were secretly Ghatanothoa which could not have done it openly. One night, Imash-Mo, high priest, was smuggled into the camera T'yog and subtracted it from the metal cylinder in his sleep. He took over in silence the powerful text and put in place another very similar, but completely ineffective against gods or demons. Once restored the cylinder, Imash-Mo was satisfied. T'yog was not likely to revise the manuscript. Believing to be protected by the true roll, the heretic march up the mountain prohibited until the evil presence ... And Ghatanothoa, any magic unchecked, would do the rest. It was no longer necessary to preach against this adventure. T'yog to continue his journey, he meet his doom. In secret, the priests would keep the roll always won-the real, the true talisman, which would a high priest to another, but in the future once it became necessary to contravene the will of God, the Devil. And so Imash-Mo slept the rest of the night in great peace, the true formula in his power.
At dawn on Day-Heavenly Llamas (conventional name of von Junzt) T'yog, between prayers and songs of the people, and with the blessing of King Thabou on his forehead, began the ascent of the terrible mountain. He wore a cane Tlatha rod in his right hand, and the case was buried in his clothes ... There was discovered the imposture. Nor does the irony found hiding prayers of Imash-Mo and the other priests of Ghatanothoa, chanted in support of their protection and success. That morning the people stared at the tiny silhouette of T'yog, who was trying to climb the far side of basalt. And still continued watching after seeing him disappear after a dangerous ridge of rocks. At night, the most imaginative thought to perceive a tremulous weakness in the summit, though no one would take seriously this claim. The next day the crowds were merely pray and watch the mountain, wondering how soon T'yog in return. And so did the other day, and the next. For several weeks kept hope and waited. Then they began to weep. Nobody ever saw T'yog, who alone could have saved humanity from its terrors.
After that, men shuddered as he remembered the presumption of T'yog, and tried not to think about the punishment he had found his impiety. And the priests of Ghatanothoa smiled at those who felt disappointed by the will of God or discussed their right to sacrifice. Years later, the cunning play of Imash-Mo came to the attention of the people, but the news did not change the general conviction that Ghatanothoa was best left alone. Never again dared to challenge him. And so passed the centuries, a king came to another king and a priest came to another and powerful nations that emerged later collapsed and continents emerged from the water then dive again. And over the course of millennia came the decline of K'naan. Until one day off a terrible storm, the heavens opened, rose the waves, mountains and formidable, and all the land of Mu sank forever.
However, thousands of years later, began to emerge secret pockets of ancient beliefs. In distant lands met the gray-faced survivors who had escaped the wrath of the spirits water, and strange skies welcomed the smoke of the altars built in honor of gods and demons disappeared. Although no one knew what abyss plunged the sacred fortress, there were still those abominable sacrifices offered to keep the god emerged from the ocean, and bubbles, and pour out his being on earth, spreading horror and petrification. Scattered around the priests, was to develop the germ of a dark and secret cult secret because the people of the new lands had other gods and demons, and saw only evil in the past, "and within that cult ran horrific actions, and foreign objects were kept. It was said that certain line of priests still kept secret the true talisman against Ghatanothoa, which Imash-Mo T'yog had stolen while he slept, but no one was left to read or understand the secret words. Also no one knew where in the world was located the lost ground by K'Naan, whose center was the terrible Yaddith-Gho peak, crowned by the titanic strength of the God-Devil.
had flourished mainly in the Pacific, a region of the land of Mu, it was said that this cult Ghatanothoa horrendous secret and also existed in Atlantis and the Plateau of Leng detestable. Von Junzt claimed that had practiced also in the underground kingdom of K'nyan fabulous, and had entered Egypt, Chaldea, Persia, China, in the forgotten Semitic empires of Africa and in Mexico and Peru in the New World. Provided a series of tests on the intimate relationship between the cult and witchcraft movement that occurred in Europe, against which the popes had launched their anathemas vain. However, the West has never been conducive to its development. Public outrage-curling before their horrific and unspeakable rites, sacrifices had been pruning many of its ramifications. Finally. became an underground cult, and could never remove it completely. Always survived in one way or another. mainly in the Far East and Pacific islands, where its principles are blended with the occult science of the Areoi Polynesians.
implied Von Junzt so disturbing that he had had actual contact with the cult, so that, when reading it, I shuddered thinking about what was said about her death. He spoke of the spread of certain ideas concerning the emergence of the God-Demon that no man (except the unfortunate T'yog who never returned from their adventure) has seen. and emphasized the difference between that love to speculate and taboo that forbade in the ancient Mu any attempt to even imagine the horror. Those stories of fascination and dread were pregnant with a morbid curiosity to know the nature of being with that T'yog was a pre-human face in the building that crowned the dreaded mountain, now submerged under water. After all there was. over (really?). The subtle hints of German scholar filled me with a strange uneasiness.
The hypothesis that the same von Junzt formulated on the whereabouts of the stolen scroll, the real, and employment finally had given him, I produced almost the same anxiety. Despite my belief that anyone matter was purely imaginary, could not avoid a shudder to think if one day God came to appear monstrous, and imagining the picture of a suddenly transformed humanity into a race of deformed statues, each with living brain, doomed to awareness inert and hopeless for countless millennia. The wise old Dusseldorf had a poisonous way of suggesting more than explicitly stated, which made me understand why they had pursued his book in so many countries, labeling it as blasphemous, dangerous and impure. Certainly the text that caused me discomfort, but at the same time served on me a devilish charm, so that I could not leave until you've finished. Reproductions of drawings and ideograms of Mu were wonderfully like the stranger cylinder strokes and the characters of the roll, and the entire book was full of details that suggest vague, alarming suspicions of affinity with many issues related to the mummy: the cylinder and roll ... their discovery in the Pacific ... undeniable testimony of the old Captain Weatherbee, according to which, the Cyclopean crypt where it was discovered the mummy had been embedded in the foundations of a huge building ... In a way, I was glad that volcanic island was gone before anyone managed to open the trap enormous crypt.
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