'12 March. Same dream. Exhausted. "
'13 March. I dream I swim. In the depths of the sea. At the bottom of the abyss, a city. Ryeh ", R'lyeh? Something called "Great Thooloo? "In these dreams, of these strange things, just spoke to Corey when I was visiting him in March. I had found a little tense and he blamed it does not sleep very well. He said he did not rest, for early to bed. I also then asked if had ever heard the words "Ryeh" or "Thooloo" and I naturally replied no. However, the second day of being there I had occasion to hear. We went to Innsmouth, which meant a short walk to drive about five miles, and I soon realized that the real reason to go grocery shopping was not as I had told Corey. Corey was very clear that he went hunting. Doubtless he had decided to find out everything he could from his family and to this end, toured various parts of the population from the drugstore to the public library Ferrand, whose elderly librarian showed an extraordinary reserve with respect to the old families Jnnsmouth Area. However, he mentioned the names of two old men of the locality Marsh had met some, Gilman and Waite of his time. It was possible to find them at any time in a bar in Washington Street.Por badly damaged he was, Innsmouth is the kind of people that inevitably fascinates anyone who is interested in archeology and architecture, it has more than one hundred years and most of its buildings, except the business district, dating back many decades before the turn of the century. Although many of them were deserted and some even in ruins, the architectural features of the houses reflect a culture long since vanished from the scene americana.A As we approached the port area on Washington Street, were further evidence evidentes de la reciente catástrofe. Había edificios en ruinas -«dinamitados por los federales, según me han contado», dijo Corey—— y nadie se había esforzado mucho en arreglar los desperfectos, pues todavía quedaban bocacalles totalmente bloqueadas por los escombros. Ya en los muelles, parecía que habían destruido una calle entera, por lo menos toda una fila de viejos edificios que en su día habían servido de almacenes del puerto, aunque hacía mucho tiempo que estaban abandonados. Al acercarnos a la orilla del mar, todo lo invadió un hedor empalagoso y nauseabundo de claro origen marino. Era más intenso que el olor a pescado podrido que se produce a veces en las aguas estancadas de la costa, or even the interior.
According to Corey, most stores had been owned flown Marsh had learned in the drugstore Ferrand. In fact, family members Waite, Gilman and Llliott had suffered very few losses. Almost all the force of the federal issue had fallen on the properties of the Marsh. However, Marsh had been respected Refining Company, which was engaged in manufacturing gold bullion was still employs some of the locals who were not living from fishing. But the Marsh Refining Com pany no longer reported directly to any member of the Marsh clan. The bar - where we finally arrived - it was the last century and it was evident that he had not made any improvement since then. Behind the counter was a scruffy guy reading the Arkham Advertiser, and in the bar at the back, had a couple of old men sitting, one of them asleep. Corey asked for a glass of brandy and I another. The counter man did not hide its cautious interest to our people.
- Seth Akins? Corey asked. The man nodded his parishioner asleep.
- what do you drink? Corey asked again.
"Everything. Put another brandy. "The bartender poured the brandy in a bad cup washed and placed on the counter. Corey took up where the old asleep, sat next to him and woke up.
"Drink a drink with me," he invited.
The old man looked up, revealing a hairy face and rheumy eyes under the shaggy mane and gray. He saw the brandy, took it, smiling uncertain, and drank it. Corey began to question him pretend as if only a little chat with an old resident of Innsmouth. At first he spoke in general terms to the people and the region extending around between Arkham and Newburyport. Akins spoke freely. Corey invited him another drink and then another. But loquacity Corey Akins disappeared as mentioned to the old families, especially the Marsh. The old attitude was clearly cautious and occasionally threw fleeting glances at the door, as if he would have liked to escape the situation. Corey, however, he pulled the plugs and it eventually gave Akins.
"Well, I guess you do not mind talking," he said at last. Marsh Almost all have been since the feds came a month ago. And nobody knows where, but have not returned. - The old man started to beat around the bush, but finally, after many circumlocutions, addressed the issue of trade with the East Indies -: He who started the business was Captain Obed Marsh, that something was up with those East Indians. Some women were brought there and were in the big house he had built. And then the young Marsh, they put the odd pint and gave them to go swimming at Devil Reef and were there for hours and it is not normal to spend so much time underwater. Captain Obed married one of those young women and Marsh went to the East Indies and brought more. The business of Marsh did not come down as others. The three ships of Captain Obed, which was the brig Columbia, the schooner and a brig Queen Sumatra, the Hetty, sailed across the oceans without suffering a single accident. And those people, or Easterners and Marsh, began a kind of new religion that called Order of Dagon. And there was a lot of them in a low voice what was happening in their meetings, and young people, well, maybe he lost, but the fact is that no one saw them again. And then, you know, because by then there was much talk of sacrifice, or human, not disappeared, nor any Marsh and Gilman Waite and Ellioth, or none of them is lost or whatever. And things are whispering of a site called "Ryeh" and something called "Thooloo" which for me has to do with that as Dagon .... At this point, Corey interrupted him to clarify this particular
, but the old man did not know answer and I did not realize until after the reason for the sudden interest of Corey.
Akins continued,
"People do not want to have to do with the Marsh or with others either. But the Marsh is the most that they had painted strange. Some were so terrible that were taken out of the house only at night, and spent all their time swimming in the Tues Swam like fish, they said, that I did not see. And people, or talk about these things, because we saw that the speaker too disappeared as these young and never heard from him again. Captain Obed Ponape learned many things in which they are taught the Kanak, and were things about one that said "the deep", who lived under water. And he brought all sorts of figurines and sculptures depicting marine fish and other things that were not fish, and God knows what they were.
- What did these sizes? "Said Corey.
-Las that led to the Temple of Dagon, he sold. And at a good price they already think they are paid well. But no longer remain. And there is already Order of Dagon and has not seen since the Marsh around here since I blew up the warehouse. And arrested them all, no sir. They say the remaining Marsh went to the seashore and got into the water and drowned - the old man laughed rough - but no one has seen any of the Marsh body, no body has appeared in shore. At this point in the narrative, there was a truly unique event. Suddenly, the old man looked at my companion's eyes widened, jaw dropped and he started shaking hands. Briefly was frozen in the same position. But when he got off the stool, turned and ran staggering to the street with a long and desperate cry that was soon swept away by the winter wind. Would say that we were amazed recently. The sudden flight of Seth Akins had been so unexpected that Co-king and I looked stunned. It was not until some time later when I realized that the superstitious minds of Akins should have faltered when he saw the strange lines that had Corey in the neck below the ears.
During the dialogue with the old, the thick scarf that Corey was protected from the cold March wind had gradually loosening and finally had drained completely, exposing the area of \u200b\u200bskin such as cracked thick and had always been part of the neck of Jeffrey Corey giving some semblance of old age.
I can not offer any other explanation, but it is not mentioned to my friend by not shifting, it's pretty much what was already. Go gibberish! - I cried when we met again in Washington Street.Corey nodded, but I realized that some aspects of the old story had been impressed and pleasantly not true. Achieved without enthusiasm and smile in response to my subsequent comments, just shrugged his shoulders, as if unwilling to talk about what we heard from Akins. Throughout the evening was remarkably silent and preoccupied. I remember feeling somewhat annoyed to discover that he did not want to share with me the secret burden that was overwhelming. But, of course, I suspect that he had his own thoughts seem so fantastic and unbelievable that chose not to communicate it and if I made a fool of me. So after you several questions and test score that eluded him, I did not touch the subject of Seth Akins and legends of Innsmouth. The next morning I returned to New York. New Journal quotes Jeffrey Corey
'18 March. This morning I wake up convinced that I did not sleep alone. Signs in pillow and bed. Room and bed very wet, as if someone had soaked lying next to me. I know intuitively that it was a woman. But how? It scares me to think that the madness of the Marsh is starting to take over me. Footsteps on the ground. "
'19 March. Gone is the "Goddess Marina"! The door is open. During the night someone had to go and take it. The money that you can give for it is not worth the risk. There have been no more. "
'20 March. I spent the night dreaming everything Seth said Akins. I saw the captain Obed at the bottom of the sea! Ancianísimo. With gills! Dived to well below the surface of the Atlantic beyond Devil Reef. Many more men and women. The distinctive aspect of the Marsh! Oh, the power and glory! "
'21 March. Night of the equinox. A throbbing pain in the neck all night. I could not sleep. I woke up and I gave a ride to the sea. How do I attract the sea! I never realized as now. And yet, I remember now child - and half the continent! - I liked to play I heard the sound of the sea, crashing waves, the whistling wind on the water. I still have an awful feeling that something will happen. "
On this same date -21 March - Corey wrote me your last letter. It said nothing about the dreams, but neck pain:
"It is not the throat, that's clear. I have no difficulty swallowing. It seems that the pain is in the area of \u200b\u200bthick skin, or rough, or cracked, whatever you call it, that I have below the ears. But 'I can not describe. It's not like the pain of a stiff neck or a rash, or bumps. It's as if my skin would break out, but also reaches very deep. And besides, I can not get to the head that is about to spend something. Something I fear and desire at a time. I obsessed a concept that I call, for lack of other words, ancestral consciousness. I replied advising him to go to a doctor and promising that he would go to visit in early April. But then Corey was gone. There was evidence that was down to the shore and entered the ocean, although it was not possible to determine whether it had intended to swim or to commit suicide. It found traces of her bare feet in what remained of the strange clay thrown in February by the sea, but no steps back. Had left no farewell message, but for me instructions on how to dispose of their effects. I was appointed administrator of his estate, which seemed to indicate that he should not have them all along.
Search for Corey's body - though without much enthusiasm - along the coast, just to one side to another in Innsmouth, but the search proved fruitless. The president of the committee of inquiry it was not difficult finding that Corey had been killed by recklessness. An account of the events that seem related to the mystery of the disappearance can not be completed without adding a brief account of what I saw on Devil Reef on April 17 at sunset. It was a peaceful twilight. The sea was a mirror and not run nor a breath of wind. I had just finished arranging the affairs of Corey and I felt like a little paddle in the sea. The talk on the Devil Reef inevitably led me to what was left of him, a few jagged and broken rocks protruding from the surface when the tide was low, about a mile long of people. The sun had set on the western sky lay a soft glow and the sea was a deep cobalt blue as far as the eye. I just hit the reef when there was an uproar in the water. The sea surface is broken in many places. I stopped and stood still, waiting for a school of dolphins emerge from time to time and enjoy the show early. But they were dolphins. Inhabitants of the sea were some of whose existence I was unaware. Actually, the waning light of dusk, the scaly fish swimming seemed human. Except a couple of others stayed away from the boat where I was.
couples - a strange color female and a male-Asilah reached close enough to the boat, where I watched with mixed feelings to the outside was not that kind of terror that has its roots in a deep fear of the unknown. Went swimming near me, surfacing and diving, and when they went, the clearer skin turned to me and gave me a look deliberate while emitting a strange guttural sound that kept bears some resemblance to my name: "Jack ! "I was with the clear and unmistakable conviction that marine creature had gills Corey Jeffrey's face. Still sleep with her.
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