Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Oscars Dinner Buffet Singapore


My memories are fading, and soon I would not be any memory of my past, soon all traces of my humanity will vanish. And while he was suspended in space and time for all eternity, I felt something hard to explain. A feeling of peace, a peace that neither death could give, but that peace was disturbed by a memory, a memory that I hoped would soon be erased from my mind. I do not remember how he knew this, but it was safer than my own existence. Nyarlathotep and never again set foot on the surface Sharnoth never meet with his court in that huge black palace, for that ray of light traveling in space carried with it something more sinister.

attic in a small, dimly lit, body stretching, standing up. His eyes were red coals, and a devilish smile crossed his face, and watching the roofs of the city through the small window, his arms raised in a gesture of triumph.
had crossed the barriers created by the Elder Gods, he was free, free to walk the earth again free to handle the minds of men and enslave their souls. Was one to which I had the opportunity to escape, I who, because of my lust for power, had sought the means to return to earth.

Nyarlathotep walked the earth in the form of a man, because when I stole my memories and my being, my physical appearance also retained. Now lived in my body the immortal essence of Nyarlathotep the Terrible.


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