The next day was endless, not only by the imminence of the critical moment, but because I found it extremely difficult to keep your mind blank before the inquisitive eyes of Andrew Potter. In addition, more than ever felt the aura of latent malignancy, as a tangible threat, emanating from the wilderness, hidden in a hollow between shady hills. But though slow, the hours passed, and just before closing, Andrew Potter begged to wait for the others were gone. And again agreed with that condescending, almost insolent, which made me wonder if it was worth "saving" as was decided as deep inside myself. But I did not abandon my purpose. Had hidden the stone in my car, and once everyone had left, I told him to leave me. At that moment I felt that I was behaving in a ridiculous and absurd. I, a graduate teacher, about to perform a kind of exorcism of African witch doctor! And for a moment, during the few seconds it took to travel the distance from school to car faltered and I was just about to invite you to take him home.
But no. I got the car followed by Andrew. I sat at the wheel, took a stone and slipped it in my pocket, took another I became like a beam and pressed against the front of Andrew. I do not know what was going to happen, but certainly never have imagined what actually happened. Contact with the stone, looked into the eyes of Andrew Potter an expression of extreme horror, immediately followed by a poignant expression of anguish and a cry of terror burst from his lips. He stretched his arms, his books scattered, he turned around, he trembled, foaming at the mouth, and would have fallen I caught him not to deposit it into the ground. Then I realized the cold and furious wind that swirled around us and turning away the grass and flowers, hitting the edge of defoliating forest and the trees that stood in his way. Terrified, I put Andrew Potter in the car, I put the stone on his chest and stepping on the throttle, I headed to Arkham, which is more than eight miles away. Professor Keane was waiting. My arrival was not surprised at all. Also anticipated that it would take to Andrew Potter, and he had prepared a bed for him. Between the two of them settled there, later, Keane was administered a sedative. Then he turned to me:
"Well, now there is no time to lose. Iran to seek. The girl will surely go first. We must return the school immediately.
But then I realized all the horrible significance of what had happened to Andrew, and I trembled so that Keane had to take me out to the street almost dragged. Even now, writing these words, after so much time has elapsed since the terrible events of that night, I feel again the horror that gripped me for the first time to face the unknown, conscious of my smallness and powerlessness in the face of the immensity cosmic. In that moment I realized that what I had read that book banned from the university library was not a jumble of superstitions, but the key to a unsuspected mysteries to science, and much, much older than mankind. I dared not imagine what the old Sorcerer Potter had brought down the sky.
He barely heard the words of Professor Keane, who urged me to suppress any emotional reaction and focus on the facts of a more scientific and objective. At the end of the day had achieved what I intended. Andrew Potter was saved. But to ensure the victory had to free him from the others, who undoubtedly will seek and would eventually find it. I thought only of the horror that awaited four wretched creatures, when they came to Michigan to take possession of the lonely farm Hoya Halloween.
I was blind at the wheel, the way to school. Once there, at the request of Professor Keane, turned on the lights and left the door open to the warm night. I sat behind my desk, and he hid outside the building, awaiting their arrival. I had to force myself to keep my mind blank and stand the test that awaited me. The girl emerged from the edge of darkness ...
After suffering the same fate as his brother, and have been deposited by the desk, with the rock star on his chest, appeared the father in the doorway. He was now completely dark. He carried a shotgun. He did not need to ask what happened: I knew it. He stood there before, silent, pointing to his daughter and the stone that was on his chest and raised his gun. His gesture was eloquent, if not removed the stone, shoot. Obviously, this was a contingency he had foreseen the teacher, because Potter lunged from behind, and touched the stone. After over two hours, wait in vain for the arrival of Mrs. Potter.
"Not coming," said Professor Keane finally. It is the entity that hosts ... I could have sworn that was her husband. Okay ... we have no choice: we must go to the Hole of the Witches. These two can stay here.
were flying at full throttle the dark, without worrying about noise, because the teacher said that "the thing" that lived in the Hoya de las Brujas "knew" that we approached, but I could not do anything to us because we were protected by the talisman. We walk through the dense thicket and took the narrow road. When we arrive at the Potter fencing, weed stems appeared to extend to us the light of headlamps. The house was dark, apart from the pale glow of the lamp that illuminated a room. Professor Keane jumped from the car with his bag full of rock stars, and began to seal the house. He placed a stone in each of the two doors, and one in each window. For one, we saw Mrs. Potter sitting at the kitchen table, impassive, watchful, aware, without pretense and very different from the woman who had seen not long ago in this very house. Now seemed like a great beast at bay. Following his surgery, my companion turned to the front of the house, stacking piles of brush on the door without paying attention to my protests, set fire to the building. Then back to the window to watch the woman, and she explained that only fire could destroy the elemental force, but still hoped to save Mrs. Potter.
"Maybe it would be better not to look, Mr. Williams.
I ignored him. I wish he would have done ... And would have avoided the nightmares that disturb my rest up today! I looked out the window behind him and witnessed what was happening inside. The smoke from the fire was beginning to penetrate the house. Mrs. Potter, or the monstrous entity that animated his obese body-jumped, ran in fear to the back door, back to the window, pulled, and returned to the center of the room, between the table and the fireplace still off. They fell to the ground, gasping and writhing.
The room was slowly filling with smoke clouded the yellow lamplight, stopping to see clearly. But not completely hide the scene of that terrible struggle that unfolded on the ground. Mrs. Potter was struggling and in the throes of agony and slowly began to take form misty consistency, transparent, barely visible in the smoky air. It was an amorphous mass, incredible, throbbing and quivering like jelly, covered tentacles. Even through the glass of the window, I felt her inexorable intelligence, his coolness even physical. Thing that rose like a cloud and motionless body of Mrs. Potter, then leaned toward the fireplace, and scurried about like a vapor!
- The chimney! Professor Keane shouted, and fell to the ground.
In the gentle night, out of the chimney, a blackness began to sprawl, such as smoke, which quickly refocus. And suddenly, the huge black shadow darted upward to the stars, in the direction of the Hyades, where the old Potter Sorcerer had called for to dwell on it. That left the place where await the arrival of the other Potter, to provide a new body to stay on earth. We managed to get Mrs. Potter out of the house. He was very weak, but alive. No need to detail the rest of the events of that night. Suffice to know that the teacher waited until the fire had consumed the house and then picked up his star-rock collection. Potter family, once freed from that curse of the Hoya de las Brujas, decided to leave and never return spectrum in this valley. As for Andrew, before waking up, spoke in dreams of "the great winds that whip and tear "and" a place near the Lake of Hali, where fortunate to live forever. " I've never had the courage to ask what was the old Wizard Potter had called stars, but I know it involves secrets that is better not to unravel the existence of which I would never have heard of not having touched the School District Number Seven and had not been among my students at the strange boy was Andrew Potter.
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