was the cat, in fact, prompted me to delve into the work of my cousin. The reactions of "Little Sam" were so abnormal that I had no choice but to rummage among the papers he had left scrambled my cousin, to see if there was any explanation for the phenomenon usual and the house. Almost immediately I stumbled upon an unfinished letter in his desk drawer in a room downstairs, was addressed to me, and it seemed clear that Wilbur was aware of his illness, since the letter appeared to contain instructions for death. But most likely that Wilbur was also unaware of the imminence of his death, because the letter had been started only a month before it fall upon her half-finished and waiting in a drawer, as if my cousin would have thought that it was time more than enough to finish it.
"Dear Fred, had written the best doctors tell me that I have little time to live, and as I said in my will that be my heir, I would add to that document past few provisions beg you to remember and carry out faithfully. There are especially three things you must do without fail, and as you indicated:
l. All papers are in the boxes A, B and C of my wardrobe should be destroyed.
2. All books from the shelves H, I, J and K must be returned to the Library of Miskatonic University in Arkham.
3. The round window is in the fourth attic above has to be broken. It is not simply remove it, must be shattered.
you to accept my decision on these three points and if you do you may be responsible for sending a terrible scourge upon the world. I do not want to talk more about it. There are other things that I talk while I can. One of these is the question ... "
stopped here and left his card.
what to do with such strange directions? He realized that these books were returned to the Library of Miskatonic University. I had no special interest in them. But why destroy roles? Why not take them there as well? And compared to the glass ... Destroy it was certainly foolish, would have to buy a new window, and this would represent an unnecessary expense. This part of the letter was the unfortunate effect of waking up more and more my curiosity, I decided to look through his stuff more carefully.
That night I went to the attic room upstairs and I started with books on the shelves indicated. My cousin's interest in the subjects of archeology and anthropology are clearly reflected in the selection of his books, texts concerning Polynesian civilizations, Mongol and several primitive tribes, and works about the migrations of peoples, the worship and myths of primitive religions. These, however, could only be considered the first of the books to be delivered to the Library of Miskatonic University. Many appeared to be very old, so old that not even any date indicated, and judging by his appearance and I concluded that letter came from the Middle Ages. -None the most recent was after 1850 - had been received from various places: some had belonged to my cousin's father, Henry Akeley, of Vermont, who had left Wilbur, others bore the stamp of the National Library in Paris , which induced to suspect that Wilbur had taken them away.
The books in several languages \u200b\u200bhad titles like Pnakotic Manuscripts, the R'lyeh Text, the von Kulten Unaussprechlichen Junzt, the Book of Eibon, the Dhol Chants, Seven Books of Hsan Cryptic , De Vermis Mysteriis by Ludvig Prinn, Celaeno Fragments, cults des Goules the Comte d'Erlette, the Book of Dzyan, a photostat copy of the Necronomicon, an Arab named Abdul Alhazred, and many others, some apparently in the form of manuscripts. I confess that these books I was surprised, because they were full, those who read science-hidden myths and legends concerning the ancient and primitive beliefs of the religions of our race ... And if they had misread, also of unknown races. Of course, I could not properly prosecute the texts in Latin, French and German, it was quite difficult to decipher the Old English of some of his manuscripts and books. Either way, it soon ran out of patience: the books kept some principles so strange that only an anthropologist with a great vocation could collect so much of such literature.
Those works are not without interest, but all treated more or less the same subject. Was the old belief of the power of light against the powers of darkness, or at least I interpreted it. No matter who is called God and Satan, or the Elder Gods and the Ancient Ones, Good and Evil or Nodens names like The Lord of the Deeps, the only named the Elder Gods, or those of the Old Ones: the god idiot, Azathoth, amorphous blight of abysmal worlds confusion which blasphemes and chatter in the middle of infinity, Yog-Sothoth, the all in one, the one in everything, no subject or the laws of time or space, coexisting with time and with the co-annihilating space, Nyarlathotep, the messenger of the Fact: the Great Cthulhu that remained in a lethargic state magical expected rise again of the cosmic R'lyeh, submerged in the deep ocean; Hastur, Lord of interstellar space, Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Woods and his thousand young. And as the race of men who worshiped many gods had names known sects, and also occurred with members of the Ancient Ones, including the Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas and other mountainous regions of Asia, the Deep, loitering in the deep ocean, under the command of Dagon, to serve the Great Cthulhu, the Shantaks; the People Tcho-Tcho, and many others. As reflected, some of them had emerged from those lugares a los cuales los Primordiales fueron desterrados -como Lucifer, que fue desterrado del Paraíso- después de su rebelión contra los Dioses Arquetípicos; eran lugares tales como las distantes estrellas de las Híadas, Kadath la Desconocida, la Meseta de Leng, o incluso la ciudad hundida de R’lyeh.
A través de esos textos, dos elementos preocupantes sugerían que mi primo se había tomado todo esto de las mitologías más en serio de lo que yo pensaba. Las repetidas referencias a las Híadas, por ejemplo, me recordaban que Wilbur me había hablado del cristal de la ventana y de que «su origen posiblemente se deba a las Híadas». Y más specifically as "the glass Leng." It is true that these references could be mere coincidence, and I relaxed for a moment saying to myself that "Leng" could be a Chinese trader in antiquities, and the word 'Hyades' could stem from a misunderstanding. But this was a mere pretext for my part, because it appeared that these mythologies unknown Wilbur had meant something more than temporary entertainment. Were it not enough your collection of books, his notes would not have left room for doubt.
Entries containing more than mysterious references. Drawings were crude but significant caused me a strange and unpleasant impression: amazing scenes and strange creatures, creatures that could not have imagined in my wildest dreams. For the most part these creatures were impossible to describe, were winged like bats the size of a man, vast and amorphous bodies, full of tentacles, which seemed at first sight octopus, but definitely smarter than a giant octopus with claws beings , half man, half bird, horrible things frog-faced, walking erect, with scaly arms and light green, like sea water. There was more recognizable human beings, but distorted; men with oriental features, stunted and stunted, living in cold, judging by their clothes, and there was a race born of repeated crossings, with some characters of amphibians, but undeniably human. I never thought my cousin had much imagination, knowing that Uncle Henry admitted as certain of which are simply fantasies of his mind, but never, that I knew, had shown the same trend Wilbur; see now that it was retracting its true essence nature, and this discovery left me stunned.
Certainly no living being could have been the model for these pictures, and there was no such illustrations in manuscripts and books he had left. Curious, I looked further in their endorsements. Finally, I separated those of his cryptic references appeared, though very remote, enclose what I wanted, and ordered chronologically, easy, because they were dated.
'15 October '21. Landscape clearer. "Leng? It seems the American Southwest. Caves filled with flocks of bats as a dense cloud, which start out just before sunset, and hide the sun. Bushes and twisted trees. A vent. In the distance, to the right, mountains with snow on the peaks, to the edge of the desert region. "
'21 October '21. Four Shantaks in the landscape. Average height greater than that of a man. Hairy. Body similar to bat, with wings that extend three feet above his head. Beaked face, like vultures. Otherwise look like a bat. Crossed the stage in flight. They stopped to rest on a ridge halfway. Not aware. Was someone mounted atop one of them? I can not be sure. "
" November 7, '21. Night. Ocean. An island like a reef in the foreground. With deep human origin partially similar. hybrid white. The Deep, scaly, walk with movement similar to a frog, a walk through between the break and the pace, something cramped, as well as almost all amphibians. Others seemed to be swimming towards the reef. "Innsmouth? No one could see the coast, or lights of a town. Nor boats. Out of the bottom, next to the reef. Does the Devil Reef? Even the hybrids can not swim very far without stopping to rest. Possibly the coast could not see. "
'17 November '21. Completely unknown landscape. No land, by what I saw. Black skies, some stars, rocks of porphyry or similar substance. In the foreground a deep lake. "Hali? After five minutes the water began to bubble in the place where something had just emerged. Looking inward. A huge aquatic being with tentacles. Octopus, but much larger, ten, twenty times larger than the giant Octopus Apollyon West Coast. The neck easily measured about fifteen yards in diameter. I could not risk seeing his face and destroyed the star. "
" January 4, '22. A range of nothing. Does the space? Global approach, as if looking through the eyes of someone approaching an object in space. Heaven black, few stars, but the planet's surface ever closer. As I approached I saw places destroyed. Without vegetation, the black star. A circle of faithful around a stone tower. Their cries: IA! Shub-Niggurath!
'16 January '22. Region under the sea. "Atlantis? I doubt it. A large, cavernous building like a temple, destroyed by depth charges. Monumental stones, similar to the pyramids. Steps leading down to the black background, Deep in the background of the scene. Movement in the darkness of the stairs. A huge tentacle began to rise. A great distance from this, two liquid eyes, separated from each other for many yards. "R'lyeh? Fearing the approach of the thing down. destroyed the star. "
" February 24, '22. Familiar landscape. Does the Wilbraham area? Cottages destroyed, self-enclosed family. In the foreground, an old listening. Time: night. Nightjar calling high. A woman comes with a replica of the rock star. The old flees. Curious. I look for references.
'21 March, '22. Today's unnerving experience. I must be more careful. I built the star and uttered the words: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Immediately opened a huge shantak in the foreground. Shantak learned and then move forward. I even hear their claws. I could break the star in time.
"April 7, '22. Now I know I will go through if I have no care. Today the Tibetan landscape and the Abominable Snowman. Another attempt. But what their masters? If attendants attempt to transcend time and space what will become of Great Cthulhu, Hastur, Shub-Niggurath? I intend to abstain for some time. Profound shock. "
He did not address his strange attempt to first of next year. Or at least that showed his notes. Abstinence in his obsessive concern, followed again by a brief period of leniency. His first goal was almost a year later.
"February 7, '23. No doubt they are already aware of the existence of the door. Very risky to look inside. Except when the landscape is clear. And you never know what scene will land in sight, the risk is even more serious. However, I refuse to end the inning. I built the star, as usual, said the words, and waited. During a while I saw only the familiar landscape of the American southwest at dusk, bats, owls, rats and feral cats. Then out of a cave dweller Arena, rough skin, big eyes, big ears, his face bore a horrible, distorted resemblance to the koala bear, and the body looked consumed. He crept forward, with obvious intent. Is it possible that the open door allows you to see this side the same way as me let me see yours? When I saw that went directly to me, I destroyed the star. Everything is gone, as usual. But after the house was full of bats. Twenty-seven in total! And I do not believe in mere coincidence! "
parentheses came after another, during which my cousin wrote cryptic notes without reference to its views or the mysterious" star "which both had spoken. I had no doubt he was the victim of hallucinations, the product probably intense study of the material of the books from all over the world. These paragraphs were like some kind of justification to rationalize what he had "seen."
All those notes were mixed with newspaper clippings that my cousin, no doubt trying to relate to mythology que era tan aficionado: relatos de extraños acontecimientos, objetos desconocidos en el cielo, desapariciones misteriosas en el espacio, revelaciones curiosas referentes a cultos desconocidos, y otras noticias por el estilo. Era dolorosamente patente que Wilbur había llegado a creer con intensidad en ciertas facetas de credos primitivos: en especial que había supervivientes contemporáneos de los endemoniados Primordiales y de sus adoradores y adeptos, y era esto, más que nada, lo que trataba de probar. Era como si hubiese tomado los escritos impresos en los viejos libros que poseía y, tras aceptarlos como verdades literales, intentase añadir a la evidencia del pasado el peso de la evidencia de su época. Cierto, había un elemento similarity, that it was disturbing, among those old stories and many of my cousin had cut, but certainly could be explained as mere coincidence. Although compelling, I sent to the Library of Miskatonic University Library for Akeley, without copying anyone. But I vividly remember, the more memorable by the outcome of my research continued, a little uncertain about what had haunted my cousin.
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